Be brave enough to be bad at something new

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Hello there lovely human! 

I'm Chanti 

I firmly believe we're not just passive spectators in our lives; we're active creators of our reality. The same way we create complex Information Systems to support daily business, we too are a complex system running on information. That's why I'm all about harnessing our ability to adapt, learn, and grow.  

I've been diving into the worlds of Information Systems (IS) and human cognition for a while now. My educational background? Well, it's all about IT Systems and business, but I've always had this itch to explore the link between the mind and body.

My passion? 

Shedding light on what it means to be human. I'm super curious about what gets us going as humans, the capabilities of our bodies, and how our minds shape it all. Let's let grace guide us to what moves us.

My fascination with the mind-body connection? It's personal. I've always been a bit of a couch potato at heart, but thankfully, I've had some great folks around me to keep me motivated. And my thirst for knowledge? Well, that's what's led me down this fascinating path of self-discovery, CURIOSITY. When I stumbled upon yoga, it was like hitting the jackpot—it's a way for me to create balance within myself and stay connected with others. I am passionate about the mind, the body and all the flaws which makes us human, and im passionate about sharing that connection with you. 

So, how about joining me on this journey? Let's approach life with a curious spirit and a sense of purpose. Together, we can craft a reality that celebrates the beauty of being human.

The more often a man feels without acting, the less he’ll be able to act. And in the long run, the less he’ll be able to feel.

C.S. Lewis


Functional Movement Training 


no yoga.

no peace.

know yoga.

know peace.

Share your thoughts and ideas! I'd love to hear from you.